Fair with the price. Very convenient airport hotel
"The hotel is really close to the airport with rental car across the street. It has food in the lobby as well. Just a bit disappointed that it doesn’t have body wash and the room’s AC is warms than the AC in the hallway and we can’t adjust the temperature inside. "
塔扎纳以购物体验和丰盛菜肴而闻名遐迩,还为游客提供许多免费的观光景点和活动。您可以将预算经费用于游览当地最令您感兴趣的热门旅游景点,例如好莱坞环球影城和圣莫尼卡海滩,然后选择其他花费不高的活动来充实和丰富您的行程。游览好莱坞大道等地标建筑,拍摄一些照片,或者在Topanga State Park和Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area尽情享受户外生活。