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Romantic getaway on the beach

8.6 分 (滿分為 10 分),優異,(10) 篇評價
「This cabin was accurately described in the listing - it had all the basic necessities. The bed was comfortable and the living space was open with lots of windows. And of course, the beach with a lovely swimming area and no one else around was wonderful. Loved the hammock! We knew about the cold shower and were fine with that. The only downside was the resident dog (not Rain). He's young, friendly and playful. Also ill-mannered, mouthy, jumps up, nips at toes and legs and barks like a maniac...
Romantic getaway on the beach

Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant

9.4 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,(19) 篇評價
「This area of Eleuthera is slightly rustic with washed out rocky roads, so the entry was a bit unexpected. There are 3 bungalows on the property and they were tidied by a housekeeper daily. On the property is a bar/restaurant that is open approximately noon-9p. They sometimes have live music. They are closed on Mondays. We stopped at the grocery store for our breakfast supplies, as there is a fridge and coffee maker provided in the room. Lots of good restaurants within 15-20 min drive in...
Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant

Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant

8.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),很好,(1) 篇評價
Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant

Sky Beach Club 兩艙屋

3.0 星級住宿
Sky Beach Club 兩艙屋

天空海灘俱樂部 1 睡房小屋

3.0 星級住宿
天空海灘俱樂部 1 睡房小屋

Eleuthera Vacation Rentals 粉紅沙小屋

3.5 星級住宿
Eleuthera Vacation Rentals 粉紅沙小屋

比米尼閣樓暨大型遊戲俱樂部酒店 - 2 之 1 服務式公寓酒店

3.0 星級住宿
比米尼閣樓暨大型遊戲俱樂部酒店 - 2 之 1 服務式公寓酒店


4.0 星級住宿
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,(1) 篇評價
「Nice size for 2 on a pretty estate like grounds. Limited view of the Atlantic, but just up the hill from the harbor. Great deck and interesting and nice owner.」
過去 24 小時內找到的最低每晚價格 (2 位成人 1 晚)。價格及供應情況可能會出現變動,可能設有其他條款。
登入預訂數以萬間酒店即慳平均 15%!


每晚價格從到都有;想帶親朋友寫意度假可說是「易過借火」。請即預訂我們在巴哈馬和鄰近的便宜木屋,既可展開刺激的冒險之旅,又不用擔心旅遊預算。這些價格資訊在過去 7 天內可於 Expedia 智遊網上查看,適用於入住日期在未來一年內的酒店預訂。價格會反映目前的報價,且供應情況可能會有所變動。可能受附加條款約束。
無論你比較喜歡鄉下木屋還是裝潢典雅的華麗木屋,巴哈馬都有各式住宿任君選擇,滿足不同人的不同風格和預算。位於外島的 Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant 就是個熱門之選,當中不但有泳池,更提供連傢具的庭院等貼心的設施。之不過,你亦可以預訂位處 Cupids Cay 的 Peach House Upstairs,度過充實假期時光之餘,又可以體驗碼頭和煮食設施等設施。
你已急不及待,準備好在大自然的美景之中,度過數天慢活時光?Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant 正在等著你!歡迎在此卸下行裝,隨心享受漫長週末,同時充分善用泳池及連傢具的庭院等便利設施服務。另一頂尖避世勝地便是 Peach House Upstairs,其附設碼頭及煮食設施,幽靜寧謐,定能讓你活力充沛,充滿電才回家!
預訂心水木屋之後,是時候著手編排行程!第一站,當然要遊訪 Fincastle堡;而有線海灘、巴哈馬美術館及俊坎努沙灘同樣錯過可惜。想開展公路之旅?不妨為 Expedia 木屋住宿預訂項目另添一架租車!租車自駕,遊歷稻草市場及愛情海灘等巴哈馬好玩景點,定當倍加輕鬆!
想打造一段極盡型格、超值舒適的避世行程,木屋絕對錯過可惜!你將可逃離都市煩囂,投入林間綠意之中。從日間漫遊山嶺的豐富節目,到駐足星空下的溫暖夜晚,木屋完美揉合優悠與刺激氛圍。歡迎一覽 Expedia 為你呈獻的巴哈馬出色木屋選擇!
何不在女皇浴池的木屋避世,按個人步伐遊覽這片名勝?Luxury Bungalow Steps from Beach with Club Privileges, Pool, Restaurant 正是出眾選擇之一,備有不少設施服務,銳意讓你住得舒適優悠;而泳池及連傢具的庭院只是當中兩個好例子。Peach House Upstairs 亦值得推介:戶外度假行程,不一定要「吃盡苦頭」,皆因這間木屋備妥碼頭及木板平台,貼心周到!