- 免費取消
- 10 小時
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 多種語言
- 從多個風景角度探索富士山的壯麗景色
- 在美麗的大石公園欣賞充滿活力的季節風景和鮮花
- 漫步在歷史悠久的村莊,欣賞迷人的日本傳統村莊
- 在河口湖工藝公園品嚐美味的當地美食並選擇午餐
- Tokyo
- Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- 日本、〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿6丁目5−1 | Meet at 8:20AM (Depart at 8:30AM) Shinjuku i-Land Tower: Robert Indiana Sculpture "LOVE" Directly connected from the Nishi-Shinjuku Station Exit C10 or About 10-mins walk form Shinjuku Station West Exit Address: 160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishi-shinjuku, 6-5-1 Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7w9YbdqHDzd5JgbH6 Kindly verify your meeting point in advance and arrive 10-15 minutes before the departure time. Please adhere to the scheduled time, as we cannot accommodate delays or wait for any reason. The tour will depart promptly as scheduled to respect everyone’s time. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or arrivals at the wrong location, even if contact is made prior to departure. ※Please check the participants list with our guide to confirm your name.
- Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan
上午 7:40:從品川出發,享用 Houtou Noodle 午餐
- 10 小時
- 中文
HK$617.16 x 1 位成人HK$617.16
至 1 月 12 日 (日)
- 往返巴士票價
- 導遊
- 西湖祖石村門票
- 午餐 (如已選擇此選項)
- 酒店接送
- 不適合:輪椅使用者
在東京出發的遊覽 導遊帶領下探索富士山和河口湖周圍的風景秀麗和歷史地標
加入遊覽 的迷人導遊,從東京前往風景如畫的富士山地區。在晴朗的日子裡,在 巴士旅程 期間欣賞富士山令人驚嘆的全景。
前往位於河口湖旁的河口湖工藝公園。享用山梨縣的當地美食,包括葡萄酒和牛午餐套餐或傳統的當地菜餚 Houtou 麵條(可選)。午餐後,沿著風景優美的湖岸線悠閒地散步,欣賞富士山倒映在寧靜水面上的一覽無遺的景色。
結束您的 遊覽 之旅,參觀 Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nenba,這是位於富士山五湖之一的西湖湖畔的一個迷人村莊。探索這個歷史悠久的村莊,那裡保留了傳統的茅草屋頂房屋,讓您一睹日本鄉村的過去。這個村莊提供了對日本傳統生活和文化的身臨其境的體驗。
- Tokyo
- Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- 日本、〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿6丁目5−1 | Meet at 8:20AM (Depart at 8:30AM) Shinjuku i-Land Tower: Robert Indiana Sculpture "LOVE" Directly connected from the Nishi-Shinjuku Station Exit C10 or About 10-mins walk form Shinjuku Station West Exit Address: 160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishi-shinjuku, 6-5-1 Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7w9YbdqHDzd5JgbH6 Kindly verify your meeting point in advance and arrive 10-15 minutes before the departure time. Please adhere to the scheduled time, as we cannot accommodate delays or wait for any reason. The tour will depart promptly as scheduled to respect everyone’s time. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or arrivals at the wrong location, even if contact is made prior to departure. ※Please check the participants list with our guide to confirm your name.
- Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan
- 日本、〒108-0075 東京都港区港南1丁目8−35 コクヨ東京品川オフィス | Meet at 7:40AM (Depart at 7:50AM) In front of the KOKUYO Tokyo Shinagawa Office About 5-mins walk form Shinagawa Station Konan Exit Address: 108-0075 Tokyo, Minato City, Konan, 1-8-35 Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/65PQr1ALTFYXh3q67 Kindly verify your meeting point in advance and arrive 10-15 minutes before the departure time. Please adhere to the scheduled time, as we cannot accommodate delays or wait for any reason. The tour will depart promptly as scheduled to respect everyone’s time. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or arrivals at the wrong location, even if contact is made prior to departure. ※Please check the participants list with our guide to confirm your name.
- Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
- 日本、〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿6丁目5−1 | Meet at 8:20AM (Depart at 8:30AM) Shinjuku i-Land Tower: Robert Indiana Sculpture "LOVE" Directly connected from the Nishi-Shinjuku Station Exit C10 or About 10-mins walk form Shinjuku Station West Exit Address: 160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishi-shinjuku, 6-5-1 Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7w9YbdqHDzd5JgbH6 Kindly verify your meeting point in advance and arrive 10-15 minutes before the departure time. Please adhere to the scheduled time, as we cannot accommodate delays or wait for any reason. The tour will depart promptly as scheduled to respect everyone’s time. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or arrivals at the wrong location, even if contact is made prior to departure. ※Please check the participants list with our guide to confirm your name.
- Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan
- 日本、〒108-0075 東京都港区港南1丁目8−35 コクヨ東京品川オフィス | Meet at 7:40AM (Depart at 7:50AM) In front of the KOKUYO Tokyo Shinagawa Office About 5-mins walk form Shinagawa Station Konan Exit Address: 108-0075 Tokyo, Minato City, Konan, 1-8-35 Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/65PQr1ALTFYXh3q67 Kindly verify your meeting point in advance and arrive 10-15 minutes before the departure time. Please adhere to the scheduled time, as we cannot accommodate delays or wait for any reason. The tour will depart promptly as scheduled to respect everyone’s time. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or arrivals at the wrong location, even if contact is made prior to departure. ※Please check the participants list with our guide to confirm your name.
- Minato City, Tokyo, Japan