- 免費取消
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 登上台北第一座纜車,欣賞貓空令人驚嘆的山景
- 從貓空觀景台捕捉台北 360 度的壯麗景色
- 體驗神奇的日落,天空變成充滿活力的調色板
- 沉浸大自然的寧靜、茶文化的優雅、美景盡收眼底
- Taipei City
- Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan
- 116台灣台北市文山區新光路二段8號 | You'll need to redeem the ticket of each attraction at the 2 different locations. Taipei Zoo: “Group Ticketing Kiosk” at Taipei Zoo Main Entrance. 2 minutes walk from Taipei Zoo Station on MRT's Wenhu Line. Scan your digital QR Code via the ticketing machine to redeem your paper tickets, then hand the tickets to ticketing staff for entry. Maokong Gondola: Present your QR Code to the automated ticket exchange kiosk for entry after ticket exchange. (Ticket exchange kiosk are located at the following stations: Zoo Station, South Zoo Station, Maokong Station.) ※ The day pass is valid for unlimited rides during the day of operation and is limited to one person per ride. Tea Bag DIY Present the QR Code at the Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) for verification and utilization. This should be done by the service staff of the respective shop. Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) Address: No. 31, Lane 38, Section 3, Zhinan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City Business Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:30–22:00
- 萬興里, Taipei City, Taiwan
- 開放時間:週二 09:00 - 20:00
HK$81.61 x 1 位成人HK$81.61
一日通票 + 台北動物園門票 + 動物園穿梭列車
- 開放時間:週二 09:00 - 20:00
HK$104.51 x 1 位成人HK$104.51
- 開放時間:週二 09:00 - 17:00
HK$168.10 x 1 位成人HK$168.10
- 貓咪空纜車一日通票
- 台北動物園門票
購買貓空纜車和台北動物園一日票,踏上台北皇冠上的明珠的難忘之旅。作為台北市的第一個纜車系統,貓空纜車提供 30 分鐘的風景優美的上昇路線,到達風景如畫的貓空區,該地區以其令人驚嘆的山景、鬱鬱蔥蔥的茶園和古色古香的茶館而聞名。
抵達纜車站後,登上貓空觀景台,360 度欣賞台北的天際線、青翠的山脈和田園詩般的鄉村。它是拍攝珍貴照片或簡單地沉浸在寧靜美景中的完美背景。將您的遊覽時間安排在日落時分,天空變成萬花筒般的色彩,欣賞真正迷人的奇觀。
- Taipei City
- Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan
- 116台灣台北市文山區新光路二段8號 | You'll need to redeem the ticket of each attraction at the 2 different locations. Taipei Zoo: “Group Ticketing Kiosk” at Taipei Zoo Main Entrance. 2 minutes walk from Taipei Zoo Station on MRT's Wenhu Line. Scan your digital QR Code via the ticketing machine to redeem your paper tickets, then hand the tickets to ticketing staff for entry. Maokong Gondola: Present your QR Code to the automated ticket exchange kiosk for entry after ticket exchange. (Ticket exchange kiosk are located at the following stations: Zoo Station, South Zoo Station, Maokong Station.) ※ The day pass is valid for unlimited rides during the day of operation and is limited to one person per ride. Tea Bag DIY Present the QR Code at the Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) for verification and utilization. This should be done by the service staff of the respective shop. Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) Address: No. 31, Lane 38, Section 3, Zhinan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City Business Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:30–22:00
- 萬興里, Taipei City, Taiwan
- No. 30號, Section 2, Xinguang Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11656 | You'll need to redeem the ticket of each attraction at the 2 different locations. Taipei Zoo: “Group Ticketing Kiosk” at Taipei Zoo Main Entrance. 2 minutes walk from Taipei Zoo Station on MRT's Wenhu Line. Scan your digital QR Code via the ticketing machine to redeem your paper tickets, then hand the tickets to ticketing staff for entry. Maokong Gondola: Present your QR Code to the automated ticket exchange kiosk for entry after ticket exchange. (Ticket exchange kiosk are located at the following stations: Zoo Station, South Zoo Station, Maokong Station.) ※ The day pass is valid for unlimited rides during the day of operation and is limited to one person per ride.
- 萬興里, Taipei City, Taiwan
- 116台灣台北市文山區新光路二段8號 | You'll need to redeem the ticket of each attraction at the 2 different locations. Taipei Zoo: “Group Ticketing Kiosk” at Taipei Zoo Main Entrance. 2 minutes walk from Taipei Zoo Station on MRT's Wenhu Line. Scan your digital QR Code via the ticketing machine to redeem your paper tickets, then hand the tickets to ticketing staff for entry. Maokong Gondola: Present your QR Code to the automated ticket exchange kiosk for entry after ticket exchange. (Ticket exchange kiosk are located at the following stations: Zoo Station, South Zoo Station, Maokong Station.) ※ The day pass is valid for unlimited rides during the day of operation and is limited to one person per ride. Tea Bag DIY Present the QR Code at the Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) for verification and utilization. This should be done by the service staff of the respective shop. Maokong Redwood House (貓空紅木屋) Address: No. 31, Lane 38, Section 3, Zhinan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City Business Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:30–22:00
- 萬興里, Taipei City, Taiwan