- 免費取消
- 3 小時
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 多種語言
- 與當地導遊一起騎電動單車環遊首爾
- 享受首爾的自然美景和史詩般的天際線
- 慢慢地停下來品嚐一些傳統的韓國小吃
- 參觀許多美麗的地方,例如浪漫的西村
- 參觀頂級旅遊景點和隱藏的瑰寶,例如皇宮
- Seoul
- Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
- 40 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea | From Jonggak Station line 1: Exit the station at exit 5. Walk straight ahead (200 feet) and cross over the Cheongyecheon River on Gwangyo Bridge. After crossing the bridge, turn right. You will see a large white building with a large LED screen on the ground floor! This is the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr building. We will meet you on the ground floor in the seating area. From Eulgiro-1-ga Station line 2: Exit 2. Walk straight ahead (300 feet) to the Gwangyo Bridge (at Cheongyecheon River). Do not cross the bridge but instead turn left at the river. The second building along is the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr building. We will meet you on the ground floor in the seating area. Add: 서울특별시 중구 다동 청계천로 40 *Our office is rm 819 of the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr. Tel: 0082 (0)133446967
- Cheonggyecheon-ro, Seoul, South Korea
- 3 小時
- 英文
HK$784.39 x 1 位成人HK$784.39
- 電動單車租賃
- 安全帽
- 專業當地導遊
- 保險
- 礦泉水
- 騎行期間的 Wi-Fi 和移動電源
- 雨衣(如有需要)
- 不允許:酒精和毒品、高跟鞋、涼鞋或人字拖
- 不適合:13 歲以下兒童、不會騎單車的人、孕婦、輪椅使用者
參加電動單車之旅,在韓國享受難忘的體驗。享受專家指南和屢獲殊榮的策劃,帶您在正確的時間到達正確的地點。我們的服務不僅僅是五星級旅遊,更是 VIP 禮賓服務!與我們分享史詩般的景色和隱藏的地方,以及歷史悠久的盟友的迷人故事。以人性化的節奏旅行,有時間停下來品嚐當地美食,結識當地人,真正身在韓國!之後,請隨時聯繫我們尋求幫助或建議,並通過我們的照片服務提供的相冊重溫這一時刻。我相信您會同意這是首爾的“必遊之旅”!
- 從我們的 KTO 辦公地點開始,進行 5-10 分鐘的安全檢查、頭盔和電動單車安裝以及短暫的試騎。
- 從清溪川出發,我們騎車前往景福宮,並悠閒地探索宮殿周圍的街區。
- 途中我們參觀光化門廣場,短暫進入皇宮,然後探索浪漫的西村,參觀一個隱藏的社區,並在傳統市場品嚐一些當地美食。在青瓦台短暫停留,然後前往北川韓屋村,然後穿過仁寺洞前往曹溪寺。最後在清溪川河單車道騎行。
- Seoul
- Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
- 40 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea | From Jonggak Station line 1: Exit the station at exit 5. Walk straight ahead (200 feet) and cross over the Cheongyecheon River on Gwangyo Bridge. After crossing the bridge, turn right. You will see a large white building with a large LED screen on the ground floor! This is the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr building. We will meet you on the ground floor in the seating area. From Eulgiro-1-ga Station line 2: Exit 2. Walk straight ahead (300 feet) to the Gwangyo Bridge (at Cheongyecheon River). Do not cross the bridge but instead turn left at the river. The second building along is the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr building. We will meet you on the ground floor in the seating area. Add: 서울특별시 중구 다동 청계천로 40 *Our office is rm 819 of the Korea Tourism Building, also known as HiKr. Tel: 0082 (0)133446967
- Cheonggyecheon-ro, Seoul, South Korea