502 E River St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA | The Dolphin Eco Tour takes place on the River Street Landing dock just in front of the restaurant Spanky's on River Street. The vessel is called the River Explorer. Your crew will be at the top of the ramp to greet you and board.
Guests are responsible for finding their own parking either on River Street or up to Bay Street. Please be ready to board at the River Street Landing dock 30 minutes prior to departure.
海豚生態之旅在 River Explorer 上進行,這是一艘舒適且環保的遊船,專為觀賞野生動物而設計。這次旅行由知識淵博的導遊帶領,他們提供有關當地生態系統和海洋生物的信息。這次旅行不僅以觀賞海豚為重點,還可以讓您欣賞喬治亞州沿海地區的美景。您將有機會探索生物多樣性豐富的河口、沼澤和潮汐小溪。船長和大副在整個旅程中提供教育性評論,分享對海豚的行為和棲息地以及其他海洋生物和沿海生態系統的見解。這是了解當地環境的絕佳機會。
Savannah, Georgia, United States
502 E River St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA | The Dolphin Eco Tour takes place on the River Street Landing dock just in front of the restaurant Spanky's on River Street. The vessel is called the River Explorer. Your crew will be at the top of the ramp to greet you and board.
Guests are responsible for finding their own parking either on River Street or up to Bay Street. Please be ready to board at the River Street Landing dock 30 minutes prior to departure.