2200 Mullinex Dr, Coronado, CA 92118, USA | Meet your guide at the Coronado Tidelands Park parking lot. Look for the colorful beach cruisers lined up for your tour next to the gray Chevrolet Tahoe with a white trailer.
在這艘 2.5 小時導遊電動遊輪遊覽上,客人將探索科羅納多島最好的部分- 科羅納多渡輪碼頭商店和餐廳、格羅利埃塔灣、科羅納多海灘和歷史悠久的酒店 del Coronado。您的遊覽導遊將分享科羅納多過去的故事,從沉船和沈沒的寶藏,到酒店 Del 鬧鬼的過去和尚未探明的靈魂。當然,我們喜歡為客人拍攝探索島上風景區的免費照片。
2200 Mullinex Dr, Coronado, CA 92118, USA | Meet your guide at the Coronado Tidelands Park parking lot. Look for the colorful beach cruisers lined up for your tour next to the gray Chevrolet Tahoe with a white trailer.