10 分入面獲得 10 分特色
- 免費取消
- 1 日
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 無需淋濕即可觀賞珊瑚礁奇觀-搭乘玻璃底船觀賞珊瑚礁的最佳角度!
- 全年享受游泳和浮潛的樂趣,冬季溫和,夏季溫暖
- 直接進入海灘。直接從船上踏上原始的白沙灘
- 探索 17 個私人海灘和僻靜的海灣
- Rosslyn
- Rosslyn, Queensland, Australia
- John Howes Dr, Rosslyn QLD 4703, Australia | Please make sure to arrive 30 minutes before departure and earlier if in peak periods. When you enter the harbour, take the second exit at the roundabout, heading towards the Ampol service station, to reach Pier One – the departure terminal for Freedom Fast Cats. Convenient free parking is available across the road from the terminal. The welcoming reception crew will be waiting inside the terminal building to greet you, check you in for your tour, and provide details about your Glass Bottom Boat Tour. Simply show your QR code from the order confirmation as you board the boat. Join the Glass Bottom Boat Tour at the specified time on Fisherman's Beach, Great Keppel Island, as informed by reception or the boat crew. The tour lasts about 1 hour, leaving the rest of the day for you to explore the island.
- Rosslyn, Queensland, Australia
- 1 日
- 英文
- 返回大凱佩爾島的渡輪
- 1 小時玻璃底船遊覽
- 酒店接送
- 食物和飲品
- 導遊帶領的健行
- 水上運動租賃設備
- 不適合:有行動障礙的人
踏上前往迷人的大凱佩爾島的難忘旅程,在那裡,您可以悠閒地享受探索的自由!加入他們的每日渡輪接送服務,在 30 分鐘的快速航行中帶您離開耶蓬,距離摩羯座海岸僅 18 公里。當您從寬敞的船隻上岸時,這個「赤腳島天堂」的原始美景展現在您面前,讓您沉浸在其無與倫比的魅力中。
接下來的一天,您可以在這片島嶼綠洲上自行探索,這是一個擁有 1454 公頃土地和 17 個原始沙灘的天堂,吸引著徒步旅行者和自然愛好者。探索僻靜的海灣和岸礁,非常適合浮潛和游泳。對於鳥類觀察者來說,這座島嶼是一個天堂,有 90 多種鳥類可供探索,而觀景台則可欣賞到令人驚嘆的美景。遠足路線的持續時間和難度各不相同,從悠閒的漫步到更具挑戰性的徒步旅行。出發前,請前往接待處索取詳細的健行探險地圖。
島嶼周圍水晶般清澈的海水向您招手,您可以悠閒地游泳或參加各種水上運動。島上的兩家當地企業可隨時出租浮潛裝備、獨木舟和槳板。直接從海灘進行浮潛探險,探索水下奇觀,發現充滿活力的海洋生物。前往美麗的謝爾文海灘(徒步 25 分鐘)或猴子海灘(徒步 45 分鐘),欣賞島上的一些最佳景點。或者,您也可以透過當地島嶼公司安排海灘接送服務,輕鬆體驗珊瑚礁的美麗,確保無需長途健行即可到達(建議提前預訂)。
我們的時間表有所不同,在特定日期提供較早的返回時間。考慮利用昆士蘭學校假期(六月/七月除外)期間的清晨出發進行更長的探索 - 只需通知接待處即可。
週二和週五提供下午 2.30 從島上出發的航班
本週其餘時間下午 3.45 出發
- Rosslyn
- Rosslyn, Queensland, Australia
- John Howes Dr, Rosslyn QLD 4703, Australia | Please make sure to arrive 30 minutes before departure and earlier if in peak periods. When you enter the harbour, take the second exit at the roundabout, heading towards the Ampol service station, to reach Pier One – the departure terminal for Freedom Fast Cats. Convenient free parking is available across the road from the terminal. The welcoming reception crew will be waiting inside the terminal building to greet you, check you in for your tour, and provide details about your Glass Bottom Boat Tour. Simply show your QR code from the order confirmation as you board the boat. Join the Glass Bottom Boat Tour at the specified time on Fisherman's Beach, Great Keppel Island, as informed by reception or the boat crew. The tour lasts about 1 hour, leaving the rest of the day for you to explore the island.
- Rosslyn, Queensland, Australia