Paris: Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour
Picture 5 for Activity Paris: Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour
Picture 14 for Activity Paris: Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour
Picture 10 for Activity Paris: Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour
Picture 12 for Activity Paris: Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour


由 Simply France Tours SAS 提供
10 分入面獲得 9.6 分
價格為 HK$348 每位成人
  • 免費取消
  • 3 小時
  • 手機換領
  • 即時確認
  • 多種語言
  • 悠閒地踏上獨一無二的單車遊覽穿越巴黎之旅
  • 走出人跡罕至的地方,探索巴黎鮮為人知的瑰寶
  • 探索聖日耳曼德佩區、拉丁區、Odéon 和盧森堡
  • 在人流量較少的小巷中騎行平坦的路線,充分融入當地人的生活
  • 探索中世紀地區瑪黑區及其猶太區和同性戀區


    • Paris
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France


    • 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, France | The meeting poinr is 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris. This is at the City Hall square. The square is very large and therefore it's recommend to carefully check the address on Google maps first to ensure you arrive at the exact location. Your guide will wait for you at the lift entrance leading to the underground parking where the local partner's bikes are stored. Your guide will be holding a red umbrella. Traffic jams can be signifcant in Paris. Metro is the safest way to get to the meeting point on time. You can also download the free app Citymapper to give you an estimated time for arrival by all means of transportation. The metro station name is "Hôtel de Ville" on lines 1 and 11. Once you have arrived, take exit N°4 called "Avenue Victoria" and the parking elevator is 20 meters in front of you.
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France



  • 活動需時 3 小時3 小時3 小時
  • 德文
HK$348.44 x 2 位成人HK$696.88

價格為 HK$696.88
  • 活動需時 3 小時3 小時3 小時
  • 英文
HK$348.44 x 2 位成人HK$696.88

價格為 HK$696.88


  • 包括項目包括項目導遊
  • 包括項目包括項目 單車
  • 包括項目包括項目 頭盔
  • 不包項目不包項目食物和飲品


  • 不適合:13 歲以下兒童、身高 4 英尺 4 英寸(135 厘米)以下的人


在市政廳前開始您的 3 小時單車之旅。在這個小團導遊之旅中,您可以悠閒地騎單車穿越巴黎的歷史街區。您的當地導遊將向您展示老巴黎的角落和縫隙,並向您解釋偉大歷史背後的軼事。
從城市島出發,前往聖路易斯島,該島自 17 世紀以來基本沒有變化。穿過塞納河,進入中世紀的瑪萊區,這里以其猶太和同性戀社區而聞名。從中年房屋穿過時尚的角落,到達有史以來第一個國王廣場及其宏偉的建築。
從擁有 1154 年曆史的世界上最古老的公司出發,前往充滿文學氣息的聖日耳曼德佩區,邂逅巴黎人最喜愛的咖啡館和藝術畫廊。看看國王、王后、革命者和拿破崙如何在奧德翁和盧森堡的芭蕾舞劇中以血腥結尾。



    • Paris
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France


    • 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, France | The meeting poinr is 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris. This is at the City Hall square. The square is very large and therefore it's recommend to carefully check the address on Google maps first to ensure you arrive at the exact location. Your guide will wait for you at the lift entrance leading to the underground parking where the local partner's bikes are stored. Your guide will be holding a red umbrella. Traffic jams can be signifcant in Paris. Metro is the safest way to get to the meeting point on time. You can also download the free app Citymapper to give you an estimated time for arrival by all means of transportation. The metro station name is "Hôtel de Ville" on lines 1 and 11. Once you have arrived, take exit N°4 called "Avenue Victoria" and the parking elevator is 20 meters in front of you.
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France
    • 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, France | The meeting poinr is 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris. This is at the City Hall square. The square is very large and therefore it's recommend to carefully check the address on Google maps first to ensure you arrive at the exact location. Your guide will wait for you at the lift entrance leading to the underground parking where the local partner's bikes are stored. Your guide will be holding a red umbrella. Traffic jams can be signifcant in Paris. Metro is the safest way to get to the meeting point on time. You can also download the free app Citymapper to give you an estimated time for arrival by all means of transportation. The metro station name is "Hôtel de Ville" on lines 1 and 11. Once you have arrived, take exit N°4 called "Avenue Victoria" and the parking elevator is 20 meters in front of you.
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France
    • 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, France | The meeting poinr is 7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris. This is at the City Hall square. The square is very large and therefore it's recommend to carefully check the address on Google maps first to ensure you arrive at the exact location. Your guide will wait for you at the lift entrance leading to the underground parking where the local partner's bikes are stored. Your guide will be holding a red umbrella. Traffic jams can be signifcant in Paris. Metro is the safest way to get to the meeting point on time. You can also download the free app Citymapper to give you an estimated time for arrival by all means of transportation. The metro station name is "Hôtel de Ville" on lines 1 and 11. Once you have arrived, take exit N°4 called "Avenue Victoria" and the parking elevator is 20 meters in front of you.
    • Paris, Île-de-France, France