- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 進入米蘭標誌的所有區域
- 前往 Duomo Terraces 欣賞城市全景
- 在大教堂博物館了解大教堂的歷史
- 驚嘆於神聖的遺物和禮儀物品
- 看到令人驚嘆的彩色玻璃窗
- Milan
- Milan, Lombardia, Italy
- P.za del Duomo, 32, 20121 Milano MI, Italy | Start your visit from the Terraces: go straight to the entrance by the stairs on the left side of the Cathedral and scan your ticket
- Milano, Lombardia, Italy
活動無法於 1 月 4 日 (六) 提供
- 大教堂和梯田的門票
- 博物館門票
- 科爾特聖戈塔多教堂門票
- 音頻指南(如果選擇了選項)
- 成為捐贈者以保護大教堂的永恆之美並獲得免費小工具。預訂時選擇捐贈選項
- Duomo 商店 10% 折扣(“Adopt a Spire”系列產品和已在銷售的書籍不在促銷範圍內)
- 至少購買 50 Euros 可享受 20% 的折扣(“Adopt a Spire”系列的產品和已經在售的書籍不在促銷範圍內)
- 導賞團
- 不允許:無人機、食物和飲料、玻璃製品、高跟鞋、行李或大袋、非折疊嬰兒車、聚會團體、寵物(允許攜帶輔助犬)、透視衣服、短褲裙子、短褲、無袖襯衫、吸煙、噴霧劑或氣霧劑、武器或尖銳物體、穿著戲服
使用大教堂的全區通票探索米蘭的標誌性象徵,並參觀擁有 600 年歷史的大教堂。了解聖安布羅斯的歷史以及大教堂在城市精神和文化演變過程中的重要作用。
從 Duomo Terraces 欣賞城市全景。使用 Candoglia 大理石建造,在晴朗的日子裡,您可以遠眺阿爾卑斯山和亞平寧山脈。可以選擇乘坐電梯(不包括在內)。
欣賞大教堂的 27 個大廳及其 14 世紀的王宮的彩色玻璃窗、掛毯和雕塑。
- Milan
- Milan, Lombardia, Italy
- P.za del Duomo, 32, 20121 Milano MI, Italy | Start your visit from the Terraces: go straight to the entrance by the stairs on the left side of the Cathedral and scan your ticket
- Milano, Lombardia, Italy
- P.za del Duomo, 22, 20122 Milano MI, Italy | Start your visit from the Terraces: go straight to the entrance by the lift on the left side of the Cathedral and scan your ticket.
- Milano, Lombardia, Italy
- P.za del Duomo, 7, 20122 Milano MI, Italy | Go straight to the Duomo entrance and scan your ticket. You can retrieve your audioguide inside the Duomo from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. An ID is required as a deposit. If you enter before 9:30 AM or after 4:30 PM, you can get the audioguide at the group ticket office on the right side of the cathedral. Audioguides must be returned by 5:45 PM at the group ticket office.
- Milano, Lombardia, Italy
- P.za del Duomo, 7, 20122 Milano MI, Italy | Go straight to the Duomo entrance and scan your ticket. You can retrieve your audioguide inside the Duomo from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. An ID is required as a deposit. If you enter before 9:30 AM or after 4:30 PM, you can get the audioguide at the group ticket office on the right side of the cathedral. Audioguides must be returned by 5:45 PM at the group ticket office.
- Milano, Lombardia, Italy