- 免費取消
- 1 小時 30 分鐘以上
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 多種語言
- 騎著傳統的竹製單車遊覽馬尼拉最具歷史意義的王城區
- 享受少於 15 名參與者的小團體驗,並有友好而迷人的導遊
- 選擇適合您遊覽的最佳時間,無論是白天、日落還是夜晚
- Manila
- Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Bambike HQ, Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros, Manila City, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines | The meeting point is at the Bambike HQ inside Intramuros located at Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros. The nearest landmark is the San Agustin Church which is located right across the Plaza San Luis Complex. You can also pin Bambike Ecotours on Google Maps and it will pin our precise location on the map. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bambike+Ecotours+Intramuros/@14.5896472,120.9724921,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x3397ca3d47955105:0x53e5457736a913f3!8m2!3d14.5896472!4d120.975067!16s%2Fg%2F11bymv9dr7?entry=ttu
- Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
1.5 小時快速旅遊
- 1 小時 30 分鐘
- 英文
此行程將跳過聖地亞哥堡和聖奧古斯丁教堂,並於上午 11:00 或下午 4:30 之前返回集合點(取決於所選時間段)。
HK$132.09 x 1 位成人HK$132.09
- 獲當地導遊帶領
- 竹單車租賃
- 頭盔
- 雨披(如果需要)
- 入場費
- 酒店接送
- 小費
- 不允許:無人陪伴的未成年人
騎上當地工匠製作的竹製單車,探索馬尼拉歷史街區王城區的所有主要歷史遺跡。選擇最適合您的班比單車開始您的旅程。與導遊一起騎行到聖路易斯廣場開始您的旅程,這是王城內的一個建築群,在那裡您可以找到二戰期間使用的日本大砲。花些時間在 Puerta Real 花園聆聽導遊關於王城歷史的講解,周圍環繞著當地動物群。
下一站是 Puerta Del Parian,這是通往王城區最早的門戶之一。然後您將前往阿杜安娜大廈、馬尼拉大教堂和羅馬廣場(西班牙殖民時期馬尼拉的歷史中心)。遊覽結束後,用冷毛巾和冰淇淋提神!
- Manila
- Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Bambike HQ, Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros, Manila City, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines | The meeting point is at the Bambike HQ inside Intramuros located at Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros. The nearest landmark is the San Agustin Church which is located right across the Plaza San Luis Complex. You can also pin Bambike Ecotours on Google Maps and it will pin our precise location on the map. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bambike+Ecotours+Intramuros/@14.5896472,120.9724921,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x3397ca3d47955105:0x53e5457736a913f3!8m2!3d14.5896472!4d120.975067!16s%2Fg%2F11bymv9dr7?entry=ttu
- Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Bambike HQ, Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros, Manila City, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines | The meeting point is at the Bambike HQ inside Intramuros located at Plaza San Luis Complex. Real St, cor General Luna St, Intramuros. The nearest landmark is the San Agustin Church which is located right across the Plaza San Luis Complex. You can also pin Bambike Ecotours on Google Maps and it will pin our precise location on the map. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bambike+Ecotours+Intramuros/@14.5896472,120.9724921,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x3397ca3d47955105:0x53e5457736a913f3!8m2!3d14.5896472!4d120.975067!16s%2Fg%2F11bymv9dr7?entry=ttu
- Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines