Jávea: Cala Portixol Kayak Tour with Snorkel & Cliff Jumping
Picture 9 for Activity Jávea: Cala Portixol Kayak Tour with Snorkel & Cliff Jumping
Picture 1 for Activity Jávea: Cala Portixol Kayak Tour with Snorkel & Cliff Jumping
Picture 6 for Activity Jávea: Cala Portixol Kayak Tour with Snorkel & Cliff Jumping
Picture 8 for Activity Jávea: Cala Portixol Kayak Tour with Snorkel & Cliff Jumping

哈維亞:Cala Portixol 皮划艇遊覽帶浮潛和懸崖跳水

由 Siesta Advisor SL 提供
10 分入面獲得 9.4 分
價格為 HK$384 每位成人
  • 免費取消
  • 2 小時 30 分鐘
  • 手機換領
  • 即時確認
  • 多種語言
  • 在 Cala el Pom 水晶般清澈的海水中浮潛並在迷人的洞穴中游泳
  • 體驗懸崖跳入綠松石藍色潟湖的刺激
  • 探索完全無法通過陸路到達的隱藏海灘
  • 探索 Portixol 洞穴:一個鮮為人知的秘密和未知洞穴
  • 發現與世隔絕的美麗:在隱藏的海洋天堂劃皮划艇和浮潛


    • Alicante
    • Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain


    • Carrer de la Barraca, 89, 03738 la Mar Blava, Alicante, Spain | Welcome to the start of your adventure with Siesta Advisor! Once you have successfully parked (refer to your confirmation email for more information), please start making your way towards the beach. Here's what you need to know to find us: Look for the Famous Blue Door: Our meeting point is near the iconic blue door of Portixol, a well-known landmark in the area. Find the Siesta Advisor Van: As soon as you reach the beach, look for the Siesta Advisor van. This is a key sign that you're in the right place and ready to start your thrilling adventure. Spot Our Siesta Advisor Team: Keep an eye out for our team members who will be wearing Siesta Advisor T-shirts. They are there to welcome you and get you ready for the day's activities. Our team is excited to meet you and ensure that your experience is unforgettable from the moment you step onto the beach. If you have any trouble finding us or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make this an adventure to remember!
    • la Mar Blava, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain


哈維亞:Cala Portixol 皮划艇遊覽帶浮潛和懸崖跳水
  • 活動需時 2 小時 30 分鐘2 小時 30 分鐘2 小時 30 分鐘
  • 英文
HK$383.57 x 1 位成人HK$383.57

價格為 HK$383.57


  • 包括項目包括項目導遊
  • 包括項目包括項目 皮划艇裝備
  • 包括項目包括項目 救生衣
  • 包括項目包括項目 浮潛裝備
  • 包括項目包括項目 您的體驗的專業照片


Cala Portixol 皮划艇遊覽:哈韋亞隱藏寶藏的寧靜探索

與 Siesta Advisor 一起在迷人的 Cala Portixol(哈維亞海岸線上的一顆寶石)劃上令人難忘的皮划艇遊覽。這次遊覽不只是一場皮划艇之旅;更是一場皮划艇之旅。這是一趟深入大自然中心的冒險之旅,與地中海最僻靜、最令人驚嘆的景觀建立了獨特的連結。


Cala el Pom:浮潛者的天堂:您的冒險從寧靜的 Cala el Pom 海灣開始,這裡是浮潛天堂,海水清澈見底。在這裡,您將遇到一個充滿活力的水下世界,其中有可供游泳的小洞穴和高聳的水下結構。這個僻靜的海灘只能通過海路到達,仍然是一個原始的避難所,展示了地中海水下的豐富資源。

內格雷角 (Cap Negre):雄偉的海岸懸崖:當您划船前進時,您會被雄偉的內格雷角 (Cap Negre) 所震撼,這是一座高出海平面 100 多公尺的巨大岩層。海角鮮豔的色彩和引人注目的地質證明了塑造哈維阿海岸線的自然力量,為您的皮划艇之旅提供了獨特的背景。




洞穴探險與隱藏奇觀:探索 Cala Portixol 最雄偉的海蝕洞中心,每個洞穴都透過自然美景和結構講述自己獨特的故事。



與 Siesta Advisor 一起乘坐 Cala Portixol Kayak 遊覽邀請您探索哈維亞海岸線未受破壞的壯麗景色。憑藉我們的專家指導和十多年的經驗,我們確保您的旅程充滿驚奇、興奮和寧靜之美。這次遊覽不僅僅是一次遊覽;它是一次旅行。這是通往地中海隱藏奇蹟中心的通道。加入我們,踏上一段既豐富又難忘的冒險之旅。



    • Alicante
    • Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain


    • Carrer de la Barraca, 89, 03738 la Mar Blava, Alicante, Spain | Welcome to the start of your adventure with Siesta Advisor! Once you have successfully parked (refer to your confirmation email for more information), please start making your way towards the beach. Here's what you need to know to find us: Look for the Famous Blue Door: Our meeting point is near the iconic blue door of Portixol, a well-known landmark in the area. Find the Siesta Advisor Van: As soon as you reach the beach, look for the Siesta Advisor van. This is a key sign that you're in the right place and ready to start your thrilling adventure. Spot Our Siesta Advisor Team: Keep an eye out for our team members who will be wearing Siesta Advisor T-shirts. They are there to welcome you and get you ready for the day's activities. Our team is excited to meet you and ensure that your experience is unforgettable from the moment you step onto the beach. If you have any trouble finding us or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make this an adventure to remember!
    • la Mar Blava, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain