C. de José María Castelló Madrid, 3, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Bus stop right next to the public bathrooms and souvenir shop that are in front of the bus station.
從隆達出發,我們將前往塞特尼爾德拉斯博德加斯(Setenil de las Bodegas) 村。街道包括 Calle Soaponerias、Calle Herreria、Cuevas del Sol 和 Cuevas de la sombra。您可以享受一些空閒時間漫步在這些標誌性的街道上,並留出時間讓遊客品嚐和品嚐村莊的典型菜餚。在預定時間,我們將在 Setenil de las Bodegas 的巴士車站再次接載遊客。
Ronda, Andalucía, Spain
C. de José María Castelló Madrid, 3, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Bus stop right next to the public bathrooms and souvenir shop that are in front of the bus station.