Piazza del Popolo, 08028 Orosei NU, Italy | The meeting with the guide takes place in the small parking lot in the main square of Orosei, you will recognize the guide at the given address with a white jeep
乘坐舒適的越野車,在當地導遊的帶領下,您將在花崗岩山丘、地中海灌木叢、月球山谷、考古和奧羅塞伊灣獨特的海岸之間開闢一條極具啟發性的土路。您將參觀 domus de Janas,了解這些颶風前建築的功能,然後在科米諾角的海灘停留,在美麗清澈的海水中游泳,然後返回奧羅塞伊。
第一站是 Sos Alinos 村莊,距離 Cala Liberotto、Cala Ginepro、Biderosa 等美麗的海灘僅幾步之遙
Piazza del Popolo, 08028 Orosei NU, Italy | The meeting with the guide takes place in the small parking lot in the main square of Orosei, you will recognize the guide at the given address with a white jeep