- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 享受在夕陽下航行、吹著清新的微風、享用免費飲料和小零食
- 停下來短暫游泳,如果幸運的話,可以看到各種當地的海洋生物
- 享受小團體旅行並結識其他旅行者
- 從您的遊艇上欣賞巴塞隆拿的最佳景觀
- Barcelona
- Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
- Moll de la Marina, 10, 08005 Barcelona, Spain | Dear Sailor, Thanks for booking our sunset sailing tour. We expect you at the date and time indicated in the booking at the following spot: Mooring 1416, Moll de la Marina 10, Port Olimpic, Barcelona It's the only floating dock between the 2 tower buildings (Hotel arts and Torre Mapfre) and the mooring numbers are written on the wooden floating dock. Don't trust the taxi drivers as they don't know either and are famous for just dropping you off randomly. Please be on time as we have more guests and we cannot wait. It would be a pity in case you miss the boat. So please come at least 10 minutes before to give yourself a bit of margin Please click here for a picture of the boarding place or the exact location on google maps that will be help you to find the spot without any problem: https://tinyurl.com/2ambzcyt https://maps.app.goo.gl/NmMhnKAAVzWJWwqb8 We can't wait to meet you and see you soon! Best regards The Barcelona Sailing Day team
- Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain
活動無法於 3 月 7 日 (五) 提供
- 2 小時航海之旅
- 專業船長
- 飲料:水、蘇打水、白酒和紅酒、卡瓦酒和啤酒
- 零食:薯片、橄欖和小吃
- 毛巾
- 酒店接送
在奧林匹克港 Moll de la Marina 登上您的現代帆船。當天色慢慢變暗、太陽將一切染成紅色時,享受獨特的航行體驗。從不同的角度欣賞巴塞隆拿天際線。
- Barcelona
- Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
- Moll de la Marina, 10, 08005 Barcelona, Spain | Dear Sailor, Thanks for booking our sunset sailing tour. We expect you at the date and time indicated in the booking at the following spot: Mooring 1416, Moll de la Marina 10, Port Olimpic, Barcelona It's the only floating dock between the 2 tower buildings (Hotel arts and Torre Mapfre) and the mooring numbers are written on the wooden floating dock. Don't trust the taxi drivers as they don't know either and are famous for just dropping you off randomly. Please be on time as we have more guests and we cannot wait. It would be a pity in case you miss the boat. So please come at least 10 minutes before to give yourself a bit of margin Please click here for a picture of the boarding place or the exact location on google maps that will be help you to find the spot without any problem: https://tinyurl.com/2ambzcyt https://maps.app.goo.gl/NmMhnKAAVzWJWwqb8 We can't wait to meet you and see you soon! Best regards The Barcelona Sailing Day team
- Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain