"After Work" - Sailing-Yacht Cruising Event, Hamburg/Elbe
Picture 4 for Activity "After Work" - Sailing-Yacht Cruising Event, Hamburg/Elbe
Picture 1 for Activity "After Work" - Sailing-Yacht Cruising Event, Hamburg/Elbe
Picture 3 for Activity "After Work" - Sailing-Yacht Cruising Event, Hamburg/Elbe
Picture 6 for Activity "After Work" - Sailing-Yacht Cruising Event, Hamburg/Elbe

「下班後」- 帆船遊艇巡遊活動,漢堡/易北河

由 Elbsegelei 提供
價格為 HK$521 每位成人
  • 免費取消
  • 2 小時
  • 手機換領
  • 即時確認
  • 登上 42 英尺長的帆船欣賞漢堡的景點
  • 漢堡最個性化和親密的港口遊覽,包括。1 份軟性飲料
  • 參觀港區的大型乾船塢和貨櫃船
  • 專業、訓練有素、具有娛樂品質的船長
  • 該帆船符合最高的安全標準。船舶安全證書


    • Dresden
    • Dresden, Sachsen, Germany


    • Vorsetzen 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany | www.elbsegelei.de/treffpunkt/ THERE YOU WILL BE PICKED UP BY THE SKIPPER! The time stated on the homepage for the day of your sailing trip is binding for the meeting point! We cannot wait for late participants. In HAMBURG it is best to take public transportation and get off at U Baumwall / Elbphilharmonie. Or you can navigate by car to Vorsetzen, 20459 Hamburg. This is the address of "CITY SPORTHAFEN HAMBURG", our location in Hamburg: - In the harbor basin, opposite the ESPRESSO HOUSE (Vorsetzen 31, 20459 Hamburg) on the promenade, is the ROTE FEUERSCHIFF (a floating, red, real, old ship with a small lighthouse on top, which is operated as a restaurant and hotel etc.), among other things. Not to be confused with a fire boat). - There you go all the way down the pier / gangway - then, standing in front of the lightship, turn RIGHT! - Here you will be picked up BEFORE a gate that denies access! STOP, do NOT continue here! Please help other participants to comply.
    • Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany


「下班後」- 帆船遊艇巡遊活動,漢堡/易北河
  • 活動需時 2 小時2 小時2 小時
  • 德文
HK$520.86 x 1 位成人HK$520.86

價格為 HK$520.86
至 9 月 24 日 (二)


  • 包括項目包括項目觀光航行之旅
  • 包括項目包括項目 專業船長及導遊
  • 包括項目包括項目 無年齡限制,無需任何基礎知識
  • 包括項目包括項目 救生衣
  • 包括項目包括項目 車上提供現場講解
  • 包括項目包括項目 船上提供各種冰鎮飲品,價格正常
  • 包括項目包括項目 包括沙龍、食品儲藏室、衛生間和無線區域網
  • 包括項目包括項目 包括一切稅項、費用及手續費
  • 不包項目不包項目在您的住處接送
  • 不包項目不包項目 美食
  • 不包項目不包項目 可以購買的酒精飲料
  • 不包項目不包項目 不允許攜帶狗
  • 不包項目不包項目 允許並歡迎兒童登機。由於活動的獨特性和參與者人數較少,很遺憾,我們不提供兒童價格。


  • 不允許:赤腳、無人機、電動輪椅、爆炸物、食物、生火、超大行李
  • 不適合:體重超過 331 磅(150 公斤)的人、行動不便的人


登上 42 英尺長的現代化帆船探索歐洲第三大港口。

這條路線將帶您經過大型乾船塢和貨櫃,前往 Övelgönne、Der Alte Schwede、Teufelsbrück 和空中巴士工廠,進入 Mühlenberger Loch。





    • Dresden
    • Dresden, Sachsen, Germany


    • Vorsetzen 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany | www.elbsegelei.de/treffpunkt/ THERE YOU WILL BE PICKED UP BY THE SKIPPER! The time stated on the homepage for the day of your sailing trip is binding for the meeting point! We cannot wait for late participants. In HAMBURG it is best to take public transportation and get off at U Baumwall / Elbphilharmonie. Or you can navigate by car to Vorsetzen, 20459 Hamburg. This is the address of "CITY SPORTHAFEN HAMBURG", our location in Hamburg: - In the harbor basin, opposite the ESPRESSO HOUSE (Vorsetzen 31, 20459 Hamburg) on the promenade, is the ROTE FEUERSCHIFF (a floating, red, real, old ship with a small lighthouse on top, which is operated as a restaurant and hotel etc.), among other things. Not to be confused with a fire boat). - There you go all the way down the pier / gangway - then, standing in front of the lightship, turn RIGHT! - Here you will be picked up BEFORE a gate that denies access! STOP, do NOT continue here! Please help other participants to comply.
    • Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany