- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 欣賞米德湖沙漠日落的美景
- 一邊烤著 s'mores,一邊在火邊放鬆身心
- 乘坐帶有照明的皮划艇平靜地劃回
- Las Vegas
- Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- Boulder City, NV 89005, USA | Once you turn off of Boulder City Parkway onto Lakeshore Road you will go through the guard gate to enter the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Once through the guard gate you will take the first right turn onto Hemenway Road. You will follow Hemenway Road about 3/4 of a mile and see the NDOW Decontamination Station at Hemenway Harbor on the left side of the road and a parking lot with a pavilion and restroom on the right side on the road. You will meet your guide in the parking lot of the right side of the road. Your guide who will be in a white passenger van that says "Evolution Expeditions" in black on the sides.
- Boulder City, Nevada, United States
活動無法於 11 月 14 日 (四) 提供
- 這次冒險包括:
- 所有裝備和設備
- 皮划艇
- 當地熟食店提供的晚餐
- 小食
- 篝火旁的羊肚菌
- 水
- 公園入場費。
- 酒店接送
- 小費
- 不允許:酒精和藥物
在標誌性的米德湖和海明威港與我們會面,探索博爾德群島,這些群島被這片超現實的沙漠景觀中清新的海水所包圍。遊覽於晚上 5 點開始舉行,此時空氣較涼爽且太陽即將落山。
晚上烤完羊肚菌,點燃我們的皮划艇,在夜空閃爍著星星的同時,平靜地在島的背面划船。這艘 3 小時的往返皮划艇遊覽非常適合約會之夜、家庭郊遊、公司團隊建設或任何您能想到的享受樂趣的藉口!
- Las Vegas
- Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- Boulder City, NV 89005, USA | Once you turn off of Boulder City Parkway onto Lakeshore Road you will go through the guard gate to enter the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Once through the guard gate you will take the first right turn onto Hemenway Road. You will follow Hemenway Road about 3/4 of a mile and see the NDOW Decontamination Station at Hemenway Harbor on the left side of the road and a parking lot with a pavilion and restroom on the right side on the road. You will meet your guide in the parking lot of the right side of the road. Your guide who will be in a white passenger van that says "Evolution Expeditions" in black on the sides.
- Boulder City, Nevada, United States