- 免費取消
- 2 小時 30 分鐘
- 手機換領
- 即時確認
- 多種語言
- 當您在田野中騎行時,微風徐徐,在甜美的花香中放鬆身心
- 乘車前往利塞市中心參觀聖阿加莎教堂
- 驚嘆於鬱金香農場的展示花園,裡面有鬱金香、水仙花和風信子
- 騎行穿過寧靜、鮮花盛開的田野,在庫肯霍夫城堡外停下來
- 沿著種植有 700 萬顆球莖植物的庫肯霍夫花園騎行
- Keukenhof
- Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
- Heereweg 10, 2161 AG Lisse, Nederland | Please meet your guide in front of the parking lane of Restaurant Hanami. Your guide will be wearing a yellow jacket or yellow shirt. Public transport: * From Amsterdam CS, take the train to Sassenheim, after that bus 50 direction Haarlem. * Alternative: From Amsterdam CS take the train to Schiphol Airport, after that Interliner 361 direction Noordwijk * From Haarlem, take bus 50 direction Leiden CS * From Leiden, take bus 50 direction Haarlem * From Sassenheim, take bus 50 direction Haarlem These buses stop in front of Restaurant Hanami: Busstop "Meer en Duin". If arriving by Keukenhof bus, it takes 15-20 minutes to walk from the bus stop in front of Keukenhof Gardens to the meeting point. Walking Direction: When you are in front of the main entrance of Keukenhof, walk straight ahead to the rent-a-bike company. Exit the parking lane. Walk to the left. You will see Restaurant Hanami in the distance in front of you. During high session, the busses can have a delay off 60 minutes
- Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
- 2 小時 30 分鐘
- 英文
HK$419.87 x 1 位成人HK$419.87
至 3 月 20 日 (四)
- 單車導賞團
- 自行車和頭盔
- 進入聖阿加莎教堂門票
- 花園門票
- 雨披(如有必要)
- 手套(如有必要)
- 酒店接送服務
- 食物和飲料
- 庫肯霍夫花園門票
- 兒童座椅(€15.00 1 至 6 歲)
- 不允許:超大行李
- 不適合:不能騎單車的人、體能水準較低的人、行動不便的人
與您的導遊會面,並在位於利塞 Heereweg 10 的 Hanami 餐廳開始您的單車遊覽。在導遊的帶領下單車遊覽在花田和庫肯霍夫花園周圍,發現自己置身於無數花田中。騎自行車穿過利塞市中心,了解這個舒適村莊的歷史。
- Keukenhof
- Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
- Heereweg 10, 2161 AG Lisse, Nederland | Please meet your guide in front of the parking lane of Restaurant Hanami. Your guide will be wearing a yellow jacket or yellow shirt. Public transport: * From Amsterdam CS, take the train to Sassenheim, after that bus 50 direction Haarlem. * Alternative: From Amsterdam CS take the train to Schiphol Airport, after that Interliner 361 direction Noordwijk * From Haarlem, take bus 50 direction Leiden CS * From Leiden, take bus 50 direction Haarlem * From Sassenheim, take bus 50 direction Haarlem These buses stop in front of Restaurant Hanami: Busstop "Meer en Duin". If arriving by Keukenhof bus, it takes 15-20 minutes to walk from the bus stop in front of Keukenhof Gardens to the meeting point. Walking Direction: When you are in front of the main entrance of Keukenhof, walk straight ahead to the rent-a-bike company. Exit the parking lane. Walk to the left. You will see Restaurant Hanami in the distance in front of you. During high session, the busses can have a delay off 60 minutes
- Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands