Brussels: Make Your Own Chocolates Workshop with Tastings
Picture 4 for Activity Brussels: Make Your Own Chocolates Workshop with Tastings
Picture 10 for Activity Brussels: Make Your Own Chocolates Workshop with Tastings
Picture 6 for Activity Brussels: Make Your Own Chocolates Workshop with Tastings
Picture 1 for Activity Brussels: Make Your Own Chocolates Workshop with Tastings


由 The Belgian Chocolate Makers 提供
價格為 HK$762 每位成人
  • 免費取消
  • 1 小時 30 分鐘
  • 手機換領
  • 即時確認
  • 發現一些秘密並了解為什麼比利時因朱古力而聞名
  • 在專業朱古力師的幫助下製作您自己的朱古力點心
  • 與新發現的可可豆一起製作粉色朱古力
  • 把你的作品包起來,這樣你就可以把它們帶回家分享和享受
  • 在朱古力商店自動享有 20% 折扣


    • Brussels
    • Brussels, Bruxelles, Belgium


    • Pl. de la Justice 5, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium | Start your experience at The Belgian Chocolate Makers training centre and booking desk located Place de la Justice 5. It is located near Gare Centrale and Mont des Arts. We will check your tickets first and give you a hairnet, a quizz card that can allow you to have 10 to 20% of discount in our stores and, of course, a wristband to access the activity. There is a restroom at our booking desk if you need. Please visit our booking desk at least 20mns before the activity starts. We have two stores and workshops in Brussels very closed to each other. It can be Rue Lebeau 7/11 or Rue de Namur 6. Our staff will bring you to one of these locations once you have checked in at our booking desk. With this package, you have priority access to the activity and we will be pleased to offer you a glass of Champagne at your arrival then a coffee during the activity. There will be no acceptance once the workshop has started. Be prepared to tie back your long hair as you will need to wear a hairnet.
    • Brussel, Brussel, Belgium


  • 活動需時 1 小時 30 分鐘1 小時 30 分鐘1 小時 30 分鐘
  • 英文
HK$762.37 x 1 位成人HK$762.37

價格為 HK$762.37


  • 包括項目包括項目朱古力工作坊
  • 包括項目包括項目 朱古力師傅
  • 包括項目包括項目 個性化朱古力棒、朱古力和松露
  • 包括項目包括項目 熱朱古力(冬季)或檸檬水(夏季)
  • 包括項目包括項目 一杯香檳
  • 包括項目包括項目 圍裙
  • 包括項目包括項目 粘液花崗岩汁
  • 包括項目包括項目 可可豆、可可利口酒和原產地可可品嚐
  • 包括項目包括項目 發網和手套
  • 包括項目包括項目 店內 20% 折扣


  • 不允許:食物和飲料、行李或大袋、超大行李、寵物、吸煙、無人陪伴的未成年人
  • 不適合:6 歲以下兒童、食物過敏者、麩質不耐症、乳糖不耐症、堅果過敏者、輪椅使用者


在布魯塞爾的 Belgian Chocolate Makers 舉辦的朱古力工作坊中,讓自己沉浸在朱古力的世界中。


在您創作時,聽聽紅寶石朱古力,這是一種新發現的 100% 天然可可豆,可用於製作粉紅色朱古力點心。
品嚐真正的可可豆和美味的可可利口酒。在您工作時,嘗試 3 種不同產地的朱古力:菲律賓 (Mana)、剛果 (Ituri) 和著名的紅寶石朱古力。

離開前,先取得一些介紹可可生產細節的傳單,並在商店享受 20% 的折扣。

這是一個有趣的工作坊,旨在了解我們的可可和比利時朱古力。做一些朱古力豆來做吧,這不是一門課。你不能在 1.5 小時內成為朱古力師…… 用豆子製作朱古力至少需要 2 天,在任何地方你都不會在幾個小時內學會如何用豆子製作朱古力。



    • Brussels
    • Brussels, Bruxelles, Belgium


    • Pl. de la Justice 5, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium | Start your experience at The Belgian Chocolate Makers training centre and booking desk located Place de la Justice 5. It is located near Gare Centrale and Mont des Arts. We will check your tickets first and give you a hairnet, a quizz card that can allow you to have 10 to 20% of discount in our stores and, of course, a wristband to access the activity. There is a restroom at our booking desk if you need. Please visit our booking desk at least 20mns before the activity starts. We have two stores and workshops in Brussels very closed to each other. It can be Rue Lebeau 7/11 or Rue de Namur 6. Our staff will bring you to one of these locations once you have checked in at our booking desk. With this package, you have priority access to the activity and we will be pleased to offer you a glass of Champagne at your arrival then a coffee during the activity. There will be no acceptance once the workshop has started. Be prepared to tie back your long hair as you will need to wear a hairnet.
    • Brussel, Brussel, Belgium