R. da Praia 430, 4400-554 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal | Go to poonton D in Douromarina and our deckhand/tour guide is at the door waiting. "Once Upon a Time" is the name of the boat. Normally we open the gate 5 min before the starting time.
登上帆船,欣赏波尔图美丽的日落游轮。从杜罗码头开始冒险之旅,前往参观里贝拉、盖亚码头、福斯杜杜罗。我们的导游将谈论这座城市、河流和波尔图葡萄酒。我们还从不同的角度看到最好的历史古迹,如阿拉比达桥、水晶宫、波尔图阿尔凡德加、圣弗朗西斯科教堂、旧大教堂、主教府、旧修道院、许多波特酒酒窖、里贝拉、盖亚码头、教士塔楼、美妙的路易斯一号桥以及其他一些…… 进入码头之前,您可以在豪华帆船(Beneteau First 47.7)上一边欣赏日落,一边喝一杯 Porto Tónico 葡萄酒。
Porto, Porto, Portugal
R. da Praia 430, 4400-554 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal | Go to poonton D in Douromarina and our deckhand/tour guide is at the door waiting. "Once Upon a Time" is the name of the boat. Normally we open the gate 5 min before the starting time.