I paid almost 5star amount for a night stay as my last day of the 16days trip, hotel is fine, but no Air Condition being provided during my stay due to environmental protection, that's 28 c degree on my arrival and they asked me to open the window instead. Fine, however, at the height of 13th floor, it's was so noisy during the whole night with car horns, police siren, and even fireworks from 1 am till 4am. Really bad situation cos, I tried to close it but then inside just alike an oven if closing that only window which can be halfly opened 我支付了近5星的住宿費用作為我16天旅行的最後一天,酒店很好,他們說由於環保所以在我們住宿期間沒有提供空調,我們到達時是28度,他們叫我打開窗口。在13樓的高度,整個晚上都是如此嘈雜,有汽車喇叭,警笛,甚至煙火從凌晨1點到凌晨4點。情況真的很糟糕,我試圖關窗,但然後內部就像一個烤箱,只有一 個可以半開的窗口。