Riverfront Home 2 Bed/2 Baths, River sports, 4 acres, PETS Ok
This house sits directly on the New River and has 4 acres on the N.C. and Virginia state lines. The New River is at it’s widest part here at over 300 ft. and is quite different from the nearby Little River, which indeed is little. In the summer it is 10-15 degrees cooler than the rest of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, ie Asheville, N.C. since it gets it’s weather pattern from Canada rather than the South. Stroll the grassy river walk alongside the New River. Enjoy the COOL weather. Close to Sparta, NC and Independence, VA and the Blue Ridge Parkway with the historic New River in the front yard. You can kick back on the porch, listen to the tinkling brook that runs directly beneath the open-air deck with it’s soaring cathedral ceiling, and watch the sun go down over the river. In the Fall enjoy a roaring fire and very comfortable furniture in jewel of a cabin. This two-story, post-and-beam house sits on 4 pristine acres of woods, directly overlooking the New River. Though relatively compact at 1,600 square feet, the house has four distinct sleeping areas, including two generous bedrooms, each with a queen-sized bed; the main bedroom also has a pullout chair that makes into a twin sized bed. There is a charming children's alcove with a small pull out love seat in the second bedroom. In the living room (with stacked-stone fireplace) overlooking the river, there is a large convertible sofa. You can also relax and nap on the two adjoining side and front porch and deck.
The modern kitchen with built-in island has windows overlooking the woods and ferns in back of the house; a separate dining room overlooks the river. Both the house and it’s kitchen are fully furnished and linens are provided.
Outside, the immediate surrounds are lushly landscaped with willows, raspberry bushes, silky dogwoods, and roses. Behind the house is a meadow and wooded hillside home to abundant wildlife including geese, hawks, deer, wild turkey, fox, and beavers.
Perfect for families, individuals, or small groups wanting to get away from it all.
Ten miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, the property is close to the VA state line, about 30 miles north of I-77 on U.S. Hwy. 21. Neighboring settlements within driving distance include Sparta, NC (good groceries, fun shops downtown, and a handful of restaurants), and Independence, VA (quaint courthouse, great grocery store, compact downtown good for an afternoon stroll).
Come for a quiet peaceful retreat or if you prefer, get active and hike, fish, canoe or kayak the river; in warm weather, you'll want to go tubing and swimming in the clear cold water. Blue-grass festivals and local artists abound; junk stores and antiquing are there for those so inclined; and some very fine potters have set up shop in bohemian-style settlements nestled in the rolling farmland outside Sparta.