10/10 超赞Chao-Yu2018年10月28日满意:清洁度、员工和服务、住宿条件和设施、客房舒适度專業親切的管家,文青的旅館房務櫃台都很有禮貌,記性很好,就像個專業管家一樣,服務非常到位,飯店內有個小型圖書館,非常有文藝氣息,很推薦Chao-Yu2018 年 10 月入住 4 晚0
2/10 糟糕真实旅客2018年10月29日不满意:员工和服务通过谷歌翻译They don't speak English and don't even try. They double booked us and charged us for the stay, but there's no way to contest this with Expedia because the booking was paid through Expedia then paid at the check out.真实旅客2018 年 9 月入住 1 晚0