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Mini Red Hub - Design Apartment Vieni a immergerti nel verde!!!
現售 HK$459
合共 HK$679
7 月 9 日 - 7 月 10 日
Mini Red Hub - Design Apartment Vieni a immergerti nel verde!!!
I Cacciagalli
6.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),2 則評價 篇評價
「This was the off season, but the staff was attentive and when this place is all in bloom, it will be over the top. Might have to come back in spring or summer. Great venue for weddings. Thoroughly enjoyed our anniversary trip to the area. 」
現售 HK$1,436
合共 HK$1,580
7 月 7 日 - 7 月 8 日
I Cacciagalli
Peace and tranquillity at beautiful Villa set in the South of historical Italy.
9.8 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,16 則評價 篇評價
「Such a beautiful villa and location excellent for a wide range of locations. Marina and Joe were great hosts and nothing was a problem. Would rent this villa again」
Peace and tranquillity at beautiful Villa set in the South of historical Italy.
登入預訂數以萬間酒店即慳平均 15%!
Villa Marila relax and swimming pool in the countryside
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,2 則評價 篇評價
「Très beau lieu Maison très confortable Piscine idéale Merci beaucoup」
Villa Marila relax and swimming pool in the countryside
Alloggio Turistico nel Centro Storico di Busso
現售 HK$169
合共 HK$661
7 月 7 日 - 7 月 8 日
Alloggio Turistico nel Centro Storico di Busso
Dimore Zuliac - Rustic mountain dwelling
現售 HK$974
合共 HK$1,126
7 月 10 日 - 7 月 11 日
Dimore Zuliac - Rustic mountain dwelling
An oasis of peace among secular olive trees
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,3 則評價 篇評價
「The house is truly incredible. Very secluded and peaceful with no neighbours at all. The house was very well decorated and everything (hot water, Wi-Fi etc) worked fine. Fernando was very helpful whenever we needed him. Amazing tranquility and fabulous views. We got a train to Rome for one night very easily and the history of the area is amazing. Many thanks Fernando and Rosanna.」
An oasis of peace among secular olive trees
Castel di Sangro Villa with park in the heart of the city
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,9 則評價 篇評價
「Thank you Federica e Claudio. Everything was wonderful!」
Castel di Sangro Villa with park in the heart of the city
AG The key to the owl "Rural house"
AG The key to the owl "Rural house"
Immaculate 4-bed House in Cassino Villa Aurora
Immaculate 4-bed House in Cassino Villa Aurora
Colonial house Ciociara
現售 HK$152
合共 HK$483
7 月 17 日 - 7 月 18 日
Colonial house Ciociara
Beautiful vacation home with private pool and mountain views.
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,2 則評價 篇評價
「Ein kleiner Garten Eden mitten in den Bergen. Bis ins kleinste Detail liebevoll dekoriert und gestaltet.」
Beautiful vacation home with private pool and mountain views.
AG The key to the owl❃Nest house❃ Castel Di Sangro
10.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,1 則評價 篇評價
「Posizione comoda, appartamento pulito e con tutti i comfort, non mancava nulla, dal sapone per i piatti al ghiaccio in freezer per le gite... forse un po'piccolo per quattro persone, fortunatamente non è piovuto e abbiamo potuto usufruire del terrazzo per mangiare all'aperto senza dover ogni volta chiudere il divano letto. Alla fine comunque si può facilmente aprire e chiudere al bisogno.」
現售 HK$762
合共 HK$915
7 月 7 日 - 7 月 8 日
AG The key to the owl❃Nest house❃ Castel Di Sangro
Detached house in ancient medieval village.
現售 HK$339
合共 HK$661
7 月 7 日 - 7 月 8 日
Detached house in ancient medieval village.
"Villa SimPatia" in Alfedena few km Roccaraso
9.4 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,3 則評價 篇評價
「Il Signor Cesare è una persona disponibile e gentilissima, ci ha dato tantissimi consigli e ci ha spiegato ogni singola cosa, la casa è bellissima è pulita, ottima posizione. RITORNEREMO sicuramente」
"Villa SimPatia" in Alfedena few km Roccaraso
From Nonna Pasqualina
8.0 分 (滿分為 10 分),很好,1 則評價 篇評價
「Weekend relax in un posto immerso nella natura, località molto tranquilla ma affascinante, il sig Giovanni sempre disponibile nel risolvere i problemi degli ospitanti」
現售 HK$678
合共 HK$830
7 月 7 日 - 7 月 8 日
From Nonna Pasqualina
La Veranda sul Matese - Holiday Home in Campitello Matese, Molise
La Veranda sul Matese - Holiday Home in Campitello Matese, Molise
La Tana degli Orsetti Barrea (AQ) (open-air museum) overlooking the lake
現售 HK$1,677
合共 HK$1,897
7 月 8 日 - 7 月 9 日
La Tana degli Orsetti Barrea (AQ) (open-air museum) overlooking the lake
5 bedroom accommodation in Pratella CE
9.4 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,3 則評價 篇評價
5 bedroom accommodation in Pratella CE
Beautiful and large house with private pool.
Beautiful and large house with private pool.
過去 24 小時內找到的最低每晚價格 (2 位成人 1 晚)。價格及供應情況可能會出現變動,可能設有其他條款。


4.0 星級住宿
9.2 分 (滿分為 10 分),卓越,102 則評價 篇評價
「tutto perfetto!struttura elegante con staff gentilissimo!ottima sia la colazione che la cena」
現售 HK$680
合共 HK$749
7 月 18 日 - 7 月 19 日
9.8 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,32 則評價 篇評價
「The person in charge of the property was always kind and helpful. The town and people were nice and made our stay there enjoyable.」
現售 HK$616
合共 HK$720
7 月 9 日 - 7 月 10 日
4.0 星級住宿
9.4 分 (滿分為 10 分),完美,31 則評價 篇評價
「I liked the convenient location for my purposes. Beautiful landscape. Nice breakfast buffet. Clean room. I only speak English and it was difficult to communicate since most of the time, the staff spoke only Italian. 」
現售 HK$520
合共 HK$572
8 月 1 日 - 8 月 2 日
過去 24 小時內找到的最低每晚價格 (2 位成人 1 晚)。價格及供應情況可能會出現變動,可能設有其他條款。


聖阿加皮托的出租度假屋豐儉由人,每晚住宿費一般介乎 HK$152 至 HK$1,677。


度假屋與酒店的最大分別,在於空間大小:一般來說,酒店以「客房」為單位;而度假屋則動輒一兩層「起跳」,起居範圍大得多,且視乎主題風格而定,設計各有特色。酒店主打周到服務,除了有專人辦理登記入住手續,更設有客房送餐、清潔、洗衣、開床等全天候禮遇,旅客連手指頭都不用動一根,專心享受就得!度假屋則更像是「Home away from Home」,可讓你在外獲享「家的感覺」,於更奢華寬敞的空間中,「煮飯仔」為親朋好友下廚亦可,買外賣大吃一餐亦得!再者,度假屋的登記入住處大多另設於專門櫃台或站點,屋內並無職員駐場,私隱度自然較高。



  • 花園
  • 燒烤爐
  • 林景或海景露台
  • 天台休憩空間
  • 健身室
  • 泳池
  • 按摩浴池


要入住聖阿加皮托的度假屋,以 價格最抵,的住宿費則較高。


聖阿加皮托的旅遊旺季高峰期為 ,屆時氣候怡人,觀光玩樂活動多不勝數,肯定會讓你留下美好的度假回憶!





An oasis of peace among secular olive trees:旅客都喜歡此聖阿加皮托出租度假屋,其配備花園、空調及洗衣設施,讓你住宿期間倍感舒適自在。住宿配備 3 間睡房,另附設廚房連洗碗機、雪櫃及爐具,讓你與親朋好友盡享下廚樂趣。


一場來到,不妨到豐特格雷卡柏樹林及Cascate di Carpinone等戶外景點親親大自然。伊塞爾尼亞大教堂及兄弟噴泉同為區內值得一遊的景點。


出租度假屋是私人物業,出租期可長可短,滿足你遊覽聖阿加皮托的住宿需求。 出租度假屋備有不少增值設施,當中包括廚房及洗衣設備,讓你有「家」的感覺。 在意環境清潔的話,出租度假屋就最適合你,可提供多一重私密感覺,免卻入住酒店時與人共用公共升降機及擠擁大堂的風險, 出租度假屋的空間比傳統酒店更寬敞,對於好友同行特別吸引!