Why do you assume that I can read Chinese??? Why did you not provide a link in English??? You or the company you employed to prepare these meaningless questionnaires are racially prejudiced.」
"The room was clean and the satisfaction was very good. The service attitude of the staff was friendly. However, the check-in time at the counter was a little slow and I had to wait in line."
你可能也想在澳門博物館、大賽車博物館或澳門 teamLab 超自然空間稍作停留,細心欣賞各種精彩展品。何不到Ruins of the Church of St Paul、大三巴牌坊和澳門大砲台這些著名地標,好好探索一番呢?如果你對當地劇院極感興趣,不妨到水舞間劇院、澳門大會堂和博納國際影城看看精彩表演。