The property and rooms were clean. A couple of things that stood out with this hotel is that the parking lot attendants are very “peculiar” with the direction your car is facing because “it doesn’t look good for the hotel if the cars don’t face the same direction”. In addition, anywhere in the world that I’ve traveled to, I had no problems with getting dropped off at the front so that I can check in. But this hotel, the parking lot attendant will give you hell if you don’t drive a fancy car. His explanation was “it doesn’t look good for the hotel if you temporarily drop someone off. Then he pointed at the Jaguar in front of us, which meant, that car is okay. This hotel is all about image so that was definitely a turnoff for me. The front desk staff were nice even though you’d have to repeat yourself a few times before they understand what you’re saying. Lastly, the halls of this property is long and my room was at the end of the hall so it took a good 7 minutes walk just to get to the room from the elevator. I’m pretty sure that they can add an elevator somewhere. I mean “it would look good for the hotel”.