I left the Crescent hotel have been going there for years and years to see parties and Christmas events and tons of stuff. I’d love to go tour, but I never actually had a chance to stay with it so this time I actually did and although I love the historical part of the Hotel there is a difference between historical and old falling down broken and should’ve been replaced long time ago. I was nice but they took two twin beds and put a divider in it to make it a king bed which is extremely uncomfortable and the sink my bathroom was chipped in the wood was riding, and it hadn’t been dusted , that could’ve been replaced a long time ago there’s only one tiny little trash can in the whole room and they play sit in the bathroom and what goes on with getting your roommate up now it’s something where you say you want servicing your room and they give you a basket outside your door that has towels in it but nobody makes the bed. Nobody changes the sheets. Nobody gets rid of the dirty towels. Nobody vacuums cleaned. Takes the trash out. I had to ask him three times for this and you know, I had exactly the same problem when I stayed at the basin park so maybe this is just something new that I’m gonna have to get used to certainly hope not that all is beautiful hotel, and I love the history of it and yes, it is very haunted and that’s just the best cool part about it.