Leon大哥是位熱情 真誠 學識淵博的好主人。在大哥民宿裏就像在自己家中一般的自在,冰箱裏滿滿的各式果汁 吧台上豐盛的水果等等,凡是看到的都可以享用。早餐完全就像照片中一般,滿滿的一桌任你享用,不怕你來吃,只怕你吃不飽。住宿環境乾淨整齊 溫馨宜人,有家的溫暖。大哥本人更是能天南地北的和你聊天,分享他豐富的人生閱歷。若非行程已經都付款預訂,真想再多住幾天。
Leon is a good host with enthusiasm, sincere, and Knowledgeable. You can stay comfortable As at home. There are many kinds of food and fruit you can enjoy. Breakfast is feast like photo. Environment is clean, neat, and warm, like your own home. Leon can chat with you about everything and share his life experience. Unfortunately, I have arrange and pay accommodation in other place, or I really want to stay more days.