
相片由 Tourism Tasmania & Supplied Courtesy of Flow Mountain Bike 提供
相片由 Tourism Tasmania & Supplied Courtesy of Flow Mountain Bike 提供
相片由 Tourism Tasmania & Dorset Council 提供
相片由 Tourism Tasmania & Rob Burnett 提供
相片由 Tourism Tasmania & Supplied Courtesy of Flow Mountain Bike 提供

德比村 (Derby) 落雖小,往昔故事卻叫人神往—19 世紀末,此村曾為礦業重地,座擁全球最豐富的錫礦之一;不妨深探村落歷史上的這篇重要章節,然後才向山麓、湖泊與雨林美景進發!

想了解德比的錫礦潮歷史,那就一定要參觀錫龍解讀中心 (Tin Dragon Interpretation Centre),由展品、影片與古老工藝品為您娓娓道來採礦故事—在全盛時期中,植根此村的 Briseis Tin Mine 錫礦曾出產數百萬磅錫金屬,惟這一切興旺於 1929 年戛然停止:德比村水壩缺堤,令全區泛濫成災,錫礦自然亦保不住了,更造成 14 人喪生;這段悲愴歷史如今留存在全長 25 分鐘的短片中,於大銀幕上重現眼前。

與解讀中心相鄰的,正是德比校舍博物館 (Derby Schoolhouse Museum),館中珍藏來自一戰與二戰的工藝品及文件,還有取自礦業年代的相片及歷史遺產。

想更深入認識礦業傳統?您還可到錫龍步道 (Trail of the Tin Dragon) 一遊—這條導賞徑連接鄰近城鎮及與錫礦歷史相關的其他景點—其中,藍湖 (Blue Lake) 亦為德比礦業歷史所遺留下來的痕跡;此湖原為礦洞,而今則化身人工淡水湖,可讓遊人划獨木舟或遊船,泛舟水上。

踩上攀山單車,本地景色即盡收眼底—藍德比山單車徑 (Blue Derby Mountain Bike Trails) 穿梭溫帶雨林之間,其中一段是中級難度的 Dam Busters Trail 徑道,環繞瀑布大壩 (Cascade Dam),貫通櫸木叢與桉樹林。

德比位於塔斯曼亞東北的 Ringarooma River 河岸上,距離朗塞斯頓 (Launceston) 僅 104 公里 (約 64.6 英里);而朗塞斯頓機場有開設航班,飛往澳洲內陸各地。建議遊人租車自駕,尤以遊覽錫龍步道 (Trail of the Tin Dragon) 之際,自駕遊格外方便。

3 out of 5
29 Main Street, Derby, TAS
1月6日 至 1月7日 價格為每晚 HK$435
合共 HK$648
1 月 6 日 - 1 月 7 日
歡迎在德比入住此 3 星級酒店。這裡備有免費早餐、免費 Wi-Fi及免費泊車任你盡享。德比校舍博物館及德比錫礦山中心等熱門景點就在附近。
8/10 Very Good! (3 則評價)
"It was so peaceful and I could sleep with the window open and get lovely fresh air (I live on a farm). The beds were clean and comfortable and I actually found that unisex bathrooms can work admirably, even when the Hotel was fully occupied."


Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
Derby, TAS
歡迎在德比入住此出租公寓。這裡備有免費 Wi-Fi、庭院及房內咖啡機任你盡享。德比錫礦山中心及德比校舍博物館等熱門景點就在附近。
9.8/10 Exceptional! (9 則評價)
Amazing place
"Modern and clean, best location"


Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
Historic Two Bedroom Suite including lounge room and cooked breakfast
Historic Two Bedroom Suite including lounge room and cooked breakfast
Derby, TAS
1月6日 至 1月7日 價格為每晚 HK$1,301
合共 HK$1,301
1 月 6 日 - 1 月 7 日
8.8/10 Excellent! (7 則評價)
"Beautiful place, great ambiance. Our grandson loved the record player and amazing vinyl record collection. Very comfortable four poster beds. Sweet goodies awaited our arrival and a tasty breakfast served. Perfect!"


Historic Two Bedroom Suite including lounge room and cooked breakfast
過去 24 小時內找到的最低每晚價格 (2 位成人 1 晚)。價格及供應情況可能會出現變動。可能設有其他條款。
Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
Derby, TAS
歡迎在德比入住此出租公寓。這裡備有免費 Wi-Fi、庭院及房內咖啡機任你盡享。德比錫礦山中心及德比校舍博物館等熱門景點就在附近。
9.8/10 Exceptional! (9 則評價)
Amazing place
"Modern and clean, best location"


Blue Derby's NEW premium holiday spot.
PREMIUM. Striking design, specatacular outlook with hi-tech and stylish interior
PREMIUM. Striking design, specatacular outlook with hi-tech and stylish interior
Derby, TAS
歡迎在德比入住此出租度假屋。這裡備有免費 Wi-Fi、花園及庭院任你盡享。德比錫礦山中心及德比校舍博物館等熱門景點就在附近。
9.8/10 Exceptional! (25 則評價)
Great location at Derby
"It is as a comfortable house with great bathroom and lounge / kitchen area . Slightly disappointed with the warmth of the beds ."


PREMIUM. Striking design, specatacular outlook with hi-tech and stylish interior
Modern studio comfort for couples within Derby village metres from MTB Trails
Modern studio comfort for couples within Derby village metres from MTB Trails
Derby, TAS
歡迎在德比入住此出租公寓。這裡備有免費 Wi-Fi、花園及房內咖啡機任你盡享。德比錫礦山中心及德比校舍博物館等熱門景點就在附近。
Great Studio
"We loved the property. The location was great and the unit was very comfortable and well furnished."


Modern studio comfort for couples within Derby village metres from MTB Trails
過去 24 小時內找到的最低每晚價格 (2 位成人 1 晚)。價格及供應情況可能會出現變動。可能設有其他條款。
